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Related to tzetze: Glossina morsitans, Tse-Tse Flies
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Tzetze - bloodsucking African flytzetze - bloodsucking African fly; transmits sleeping sickness etc.
fly - two-winged insects characterized by active flight
genus Glossina - type genus of the Glossinidae: tsetse flies
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References in classic literature ?
His name is mentioned by Avienus; by Suidas, a celebrated critic, at the close of the eleventh century, who gives in his lexicon several isolated verses of his version of the fables; and by John Tzetzes, a grammarian and poet of Constantinople, who lived during the latter half of the twelfth century.
Pindar represents him as buried under Aetna, and Tzetzes reads Aetna in this passage.
IK Ioni / konk IO biting / botong IS buriti / bursts IU sibilate / subulate IZ tie-tie / tzetze IL Boii / boll IR heii / Herr (IN) IT Irani / trant IY timpani / tympany JK jejuna / kekuna JM juju / mumu JR ajaja / arara JT jinja / tinta JZ juju / Zu-zu JL juju / lulu JN ajaja / anana JS juju / susu JY Jo Jo (PA) / Yo-yo
Among the topics are observations on Aristarchus' Homeric studies, the oldest textual witness of John Tzetzes' Exegesis of the Iliad, Aristarchomastix: Dionysius of Sidon between epic and lyric poetry, a lexicographical collection in two manuscripts of Cyrillus' Lexicon and a new testimonium on Pindar, and around Europe in 200 years: the wanderings of ms.
For the same reason the Lithica survived in obscurity for eight centuries until the time of the 12th-century Byzantine poet and grammarian John Tzetzes, who wrongly attributed it to the authorship of Orpheus on the grounds that it followed Orphic poems bound in the same volume.
However, in the twelfth century Tzetzes and Zonaras downplayed the charismatic Xenophontic characterisation of virile-minded Panthea and emphasised the portrait of Abradates, since times no longer approved these 'femmes de tete' (p.