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(Education) a school or study centre for learning Hebrew
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Aprende Hebreo, a smart-learning company that developed the app, was founded by two young immigrants from Latin America who struggled as they tried to learn the language in government offered courses known in Israel as ulpan. So, they decided to develop an artificial intelligence-based platform for the study of Hebrew.
Signon, mivne vetifkud bemivnim sihatiyim behadshot hatelevizya: "Ulpan Shishi" kemikre mivhan [Style, form and function in conversational formats on television news: The case of "Ulpan Shishi."] Hebrew Linguistics, 62/63, 323-346.
Last Friday, Channel 2Cs popular weekend news show, "Ulpan Shishi," ran a report by leading anchor Danny Kushmaro, who traveled to the United States to interview the Jews behind the boycott Israel movement .
I realized I wasn't going to learn Hebrew one day a week or something like that, and so I signed myself up for an ulpan class at the local JCC, not understanding that the only people who take adult education classes are retired.
(Ie, Wlpan, cwrs sydd wedi ei seilio ar y cwrs Hebraeg, Ulpan).
I didn't study in a ulpan. I was thrown into the deep water and learned the best that way."
Well, yesterday Wisconsin confirmed for me that Bruesewitz is not Jewish ("But I heard Jordan Taylor went to Amar'e's Ulpan class," Bachman writes in).
I made sure to travel to Israel for the first time in my life, and studied in Ulpan as part of my own efforts to live as a Jew in the land of Israel.
Wlpan, deriving from the Hebrew word Ulpan, is a particular language learning technique, which has been successfully adopted by the centre for more than 25 years.
In the summer of 1987, a few weeks after my graduation from Columbia College in New York City, I traveled to Israel to study in the ulpan at The Hebrew University in Jerusalem.