

1. having an extremely high temperature
2. (Cookery) (of food, a sauce, etc) extremely spicy
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Furthermore, the exoplanet is now the first known ultrahot Neptune, since its close proximity to the star heats it to about 2,000 Kelvins or about 1,725 degrees Celsius.
Fusion is the same process that powers the sun, and it can be realized in reactors that simulate the conditions of ultrahot miniature "stars" of plasma -- superheated gas -- that are contained within a magnetic field.
As Broadway's newest mega-hit dominates the Tony Awards conversation, the theater industry is buzzing about all the ways in which the ultrahot musical's success will reverberate across Broadway as a whole.
Our arduous voyage through the Southern Ocean was nothing compared with the extreme high-speed, ultrahot journey that those calcium atoms would take through the ICPMS to become valuable numbers on a computer monitor.
Chances are if you work in or have gone through a machining facility, you know that cutting tools can get ultrahot. This is something that you probably haven't seen, however, which is a mill that is ultracold.
With over 500 entrants, judges tasted everything from a mild fruit salsa to ultrahot table sauces and everything in between.
Previous studies hinted that brown dwarfs' ultrahot atmospheres contain clouds of molten iron and silicates.
NGC 7635 is being shaped by powerful winds from the massive, ultrahot, 8.7-magnitude star SAO 20575 (BD +60[degrees] 2522).
"They garnered almost nothing compared to a million, because that guy was the first with an ultrahot idea."
Scientists used a particle accelerator to smash gold ions together, making ultrahot explosions to mimic the conditions of the Big Bang or the start of the Universe.
The new five-door MPS is a more-than-credible ultrahot hatch that will only add to Mazda's growing sporting reputation and is available in silver, black and red Mica and while pearlescent paint finish.
A potentially psychotic man orders wings with ultrahot sauce at a trendy new sports bar.
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