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(Minerals) a copper selenide mineral, Cu3Se2, having a dark blue or red colour and metallic lustre
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From the SEM images, first 10 hours' time CIS and umangite ([Cu.sub.3][Se.sub.2]) were observed at 1-2 micron size; at 20 hours' time reaction plate-like shape CIS was observed similar to reported by Gu et al.
Associated minerals are: berzelianite, bellidoite, cadmoseite (mercurian and cuprian), chameanite, crookesite, eskebornite, eucairite, ferroselite, hakite, klockmannite, a luanheite-type phase, trogtalite-krutaite, tiemannite, tyrellite, umangite and uraninite.
From the type locality of the copper selenide berzelianite, Skrikerum in southeastern Sweden, several selenium-bearing minerals have been newly identified: athabascaite, bukovite, umangite and chalcomenite are the additional phases.