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not fastened with a band
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.unbanded - not identified with a band; "an unbanded bird"
banded - identified with a band especially around a leg; "kept watch for the return of their banded birds"
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We quantified the number of breeding females at each site by observing banded and unbanded individuals.
In the Year of the Bird, I'd call it the Bird of the Year: an unbanded piping plover, first spotted on Montrose Beach in October and still there in early December -- by far the latest record for the species in Illinois.
One unbanded juvenile was orange-brown dorsally with a faint head patch and nape band; the other two juveniles were intermediate and fawn brown with solid black head patches and nape bands; in the banded juvenile these were narrowly fused along the midline.
ABSTRACT: The main objective of this research work is to present the concentrations of trace elements ( Ca, Cu, Cr, Fe, K and Pb ) in wheat, rice, tea and dry milk (branded and unbanded) available in Pakistan and also some samples of imported Australian wheat were analyzed too.
On 17 May, we observed a male chestnut-sided warbler defend its territory from a male prairie warbler (Setophaga discolor), and on 2 June during a point count we observed agonistic behavior between an unbanded male chestnut-sided warbler and a banded chestnut-sided warbler (sex unknown).
These features, along with the filiform antennae, unbanded head, pronotum, and hind femur, prosternai spine, near vertical face, and affinity for Chenopodiaceae help separate A.
On their website CapacityGrid say they are going around to identify currently unbanded mobile homes on static holiday sites that are being used as a sole or main residence.
Nonetheless, there were bright spots, namely what NPD terms "quality casual" dinnerware, which includes unbanded, higher-end goods.
Fazakerley hospital, which was in band one the last time the body published its "intelligent monitoring" reports in October last year, is unbanded as it has just had an inspection by the watchdog.
One researcher did compare harvest rates of banded and unbanded Ross's geese and found a significant difference.
A single nestling hatched on 14 April and we first documented two males attending this nest-box on 21 April when two unbanded males and the color-banded female dove at and attacked a caged male house sparrow (Passer domesticus) during a simulated territorial intrusion.