
Related to unbarbed: barbed wire


1. lacking barbs or sharp points
2. (Hairdressing & Grooming) (of a person) unshaven
3. (Textiles) (of woollen cloth) not barbed
4. (Horticulture) not cut or mown
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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In such cases, we waded out, un-stuck our arrows, and hoisted our slimy prizes ashore before they could slip off the unbarbed tips.
Larger bifacial projectile points are replaced by diminutive stemmed points, termed "Kavik points," but organic barbed and unbarbed points dominate hunting implements.
There was open expression of surprise as to how he could have carried off such a prize, but he too must have been irresistible with his slim straight height, his equestrian fame, his blue eyes, dark hair and sharp classical profile, his exuberant and witty though unbarbed humour, his boundless generosity."
Pros: lighter and less expensive to install than woven wire, and a greater physical deterrent to cattle, which generally try to push unbarbed fences down
Work there yielded eight barbed bone points, three unbarbed bone points, and a dagger-shaped bone, Brooks and her colleagues report in the April 28 Science.
The second organic projectile (JcUu-1:21) is an unbarbed antler point, 22.5 cm long and 1.4 cm wide.
8); JcUu-1:21, the unbarbed antler point dated at 3870 [+ or -] 40 BP; JcUu-2:21, the massive antler foreshaft (Fig.
3a): An unbarbed prong from the impoverished zone has a shouldered stem like of the barbed harpoon heads.
Three unbarbed stemmed points from L1 and L4 have stems otherwise fashioned in the Three Saints mode.