
Related to unbe: unbroken, designee, Unibe, UNEB


to (cause to) lack existence
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
For Newcastle United fans to take to their marching boots hun dreds of miles away from their spir itual home of St James' Park is unbe lievable and, yes, hugely telling.
Der heuristische Wert von Analogiebildungen in der Wissenschaft ist dabei unbe streitbar (Hentschel 2010), relativiert sich jedoch schnell, wenn diese, was meist der Fall ist, ins Metaphorische fuhren oder gar methodologische Funktionen wahrnehmen sollen.
It is a story so bizarre and unbe lievable that not even the com bined talents of Edgar Allan Poe, Steven King and Gene Rodden berry could ever have invented anything as fantastic as what hap pened on that cold April night.
The source added second Playboy bu has dated an "It's unbe to kick Chl "It's unbelievably brutal to kick Chloe to the kerb less than a week before opening night.
Vinculos entre la proporcion de ocupados informales incluidos en cada enfoque Porcentaje de ocupados informales en cada enfoque que se incluyen coco informales en el enfoque de Referencia Unbe Dane 5 Dane 10 et.
I've not seen anyone run away from Stevie Carr like Bellamy did, it was just unbe lievable.
"I'd Have My Life Unbe": Thomas Hardy's Self-Destructive Characters.