

1. (Building) (of building materials) not bonded, bound, or connected together
2. (Sociology) sociol (of people) not attached; not married or in a committed relationship
3. (Banking & Finance) finance (of money) not invested in bonds
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Sureties assert that bonds are better than SDI because, among other things, they: 1, have a more rigorous underwriting process; 2, do not require deductibles; 3, provide a direct remedy for lower-tier parties if the bonded subcontractor is unable to pay them; and 4, incentivize the owners of a subcontractor to favor bonded projects over unbonded projects because their personal assets (or other collateral) are at risk under their indemnity agreements with the surety.
Method of Manufacturing Unbonded, Absorbent Fibrous Structures: Hans Adolf Jackets, Mechernich, Germany.
Crews can apply either bonded or unbonded concrete overlays on top of existing asphalt, composite, and concrete pavements.
Portland cement concrete unbonded overlay test sections are still doing their job after nearly 30 years, say James Greene, Ohhoon Kwon, Abdenour Nazef, and Bouzid Choubane, State Materials Office, Florida Department of Transportation, in their TRB paper, A Long-Term Performance Evaluation of an Experimental Concrete Overlay.
The load-deflection response of the unstrengthened control beam B0, the specimen beam with external bonded posttensioned CFRP plates B-GR-0-T, the specimen beam with unbonded posttensioned CFRP plate immediately adherent to the tension surface of the RC member UB-KC-0-T, and the strengthened beam with unbonded posttensioned CFRP plate anchored on the ungrooved tension surface of the concrete beam UB-NC-0-T are given in Figure 12(b).
Two interface bonding conditions, fully bonded and unbonded, between normal concrete and ECC layer were designed.
Some research on unbonded prestressed concrete is conducted by domestic and foreign scholars.
unbonded flex zones, where we have several flex "leaves" that are loose from each other.
The court did not need to decide whether the funds held by the insurance company were encumbered or not; it was sufficient that the employer had used funds from unbonded projects to pay wages and other debts, preferring those creditors over the IRS.
After the object is printed but before it is densified by heating, the structure, called a "green body," is flexible due to the elastic polymer binder containing unbonded metallic powders.