

1. (Cookery) (of meat, fish, etc) not having had the bones removed
2. (Zoology) (of animals) having no bones
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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We also provide imported meat for sale at 17 TND for boneless meat and 11.7 TND for unboned meat.
Over the years, DEM is broadly applied to simulate the mechanical performance of unboned granular materials [24-27].
And because of unboned granular material of graded aggregate base, the displacement vector corresponds to stress distribution trends.
The ban on unboned beef from Northern Ireland was lifted last June for animals aged six to 30 months from herds observing extremely stringent health and selection criteria.
His announcement came after the chief medical officer said there was a theoretical risk that people might catch "human BSE" from unboned beef.
Germany is a major frozen food exporter, particularly in beef -- 433,928 tons in 1991, more than half of that in unboned forequarters and hindquarters to the Soviet Union, a market that has presumably diminished sharply this year.
His announcement came after the chief medical officer said there was a theoretical risk of people catching "human BSE" from unboned beef.
Prof Donaldson's report recommends that the 13-month ban on sales of unboned beef should not be lifted in the near future.