

(Textiles) (of wool or other fibres) not carded
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Then, making a wig and false beard of uncarded wool, he covered his own brown hair and beard, and, putting on a great, tall hat that had belonged to the old peasant, he took his staff in one hand and his bow in the other, and set forth with all speed to where the Sheriff had taken up his inn.
His legacy lives on in every effort that we all do to serve the unbanked, uncarded and underserved Filipinos with digital financial services.
Vea, also president and CEO of Voyager/PayMaya Philippines/FINTQnologies, said Espenilla's legacy "lives on in every effort that we all do to serve the unbanked, uncarded and underserved Filipinos with digital financial services."
The presentation features completely illuminated fixtures across all beauty categories, trained staff providing makeovers, and uncarded beauty products--even for national brands.
In an encouraging development, Uber recently announced that it has partnered with PayMaya to give "uncarded" commuters a cashless payment option (Philippine Star 2015).
Ritesh Pai, senior president and country head - digital banking, Yes Bank, said, 'The fact that this is the largest such program in the World is a testimony to our focus on leveraging innovation and technology to provide a hassle free payment experience across to unbanked and uncarded (sic) customers who were hitherto unable to make online payment transactions.'
"It was a great opportunity for sparring as well as for uncarded boxers to gain some valuable experience and watch and learn."
Mr White said: "I sold an uncarded figurine for PS250.
Butcher's not averse to a meaty challenge - he escaped uncarded from the opening game of the season against Partick despite a couple of serious crunchers.
They are manufacturers and exporters of Surgical Bleached Absorbent Cotton (Uncarded), Bleached Cotton Yarns and 100% Cotton Nonwoven Fabrics for medical and health-care use.