

not exotic; ordinary
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
In your mind, you can be something as exotic as a mountain man after a grizzly or as unexotic as the small boy you used to be, on the prowl with your first rifle.
Ray also opted for just about the most unexotic, vanilla home loan around: A 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage at 5 percent interest.
Yet she is "highly offended" that you would make this extremely common, utterly unexotic gesture of decency and goodwill?
Within one or two sentences following the introduction of any female character, Masen is quick to define them in terms of their physical attractiveness to him: he notes that it "seemed likely that beneath the smudges and smears [Playton] was good-looking" (65); Sandra Telmont has a "pleasant though unexotic countenance" (105); Miss Cary has a face "interesting rather than good-looking" (111); Stephen Brennell's unnamed female "companion" is "a good-looking, well-built girl" (193); even the young Susan has to be described as a "pretty little girl" (210).
He said: "I was disorientated, it was very unexotic and unerotic.
Craft beer does admittedly sound like one of those nebulous marketing phrases retailers attach to products that are otherwise painfully unexotic - hence homemade wholemeal loaves becoming more frequently known as the altogether more seductive 'artisan bread'.
How very unexotic jungle is--mostly just like any other woods, only wetter.
(181) It is puzzling that New disentangles the politics of previous attempts to delineate French Canada from Scott's own rendering, from previously "exotic" to an unexotic self "demanding to be recognized as self7." But whose version of "self"?
The Proposal is a scatological treat that hits more than it misses, despite some unnecessary comic interludes with Andrew's dotty grandma and unexotic dancer Ramone (Oscar Nunez).
The Proposal is a scatological treat that hits more than it misses, despite unnecessary comic interludes with Andrew's dotty grandma and unexotic dancer Ramone (Nunez).