

adj, -cier or -ciest
not fancy
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Reviewers love its "superb atmosphere" and "properly cooked", "unfancy food." One wrote: "Excellent food and a real, Italian family restaurant.
A carpet of unfancy gravel and fern and citrus plantings fill the yard.
Unfancy. Foreign, yes, but not even close to the litany of bespoke Italian whips that populate the lyrics and videos of so many rappers on the radio.
David Denton 5 Didn't get much ball in hand but did unfancy things relatively well.
Nozick claims that "since compensation is paid only to those who would be disadvantaged by purchasing protection themselves, and only in the amount that will equal the cost of an unfancy policy when added to the sum of the monetary costs of self-help protection pius whatever amount the person comfortably could pay" (113), there will not be a powerful incentive to leave the dominant association.
The plain and unfancy center of this new ensemble dance is unfortunately framed by Faganesque elements that have by now become as familiar as they are fanciful.
Stay cool and laidback (think: unfancy dates and a mix of being around friends and hanging solo).
Out back in a grove of firs, 8 unfancy but clean lodge rooms are your jumping-off point for rafting the Klamath and Rogue Rivers or dipping into Ashland for a play.
Better to prove something in the middle reaches of the Premiership before trying unfancy footwork on your betters.