

(ʌnˈfɔːt) or


(of a victory, battle, etc) not fought
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Charlene Products and the Unfought Battle between The Merger Doctrine and Conceptual Separability' (2006) Wisconsin Law Review 1067.
On September 11, 2001, 7 WTC, a 47-story steel-framed high-rise in Manhattan's World Trade Center Complex, was showered by massive amounts of hot debris ejected during the collapse of 1 WTC, destroying portions of the structural system and igniting fires on multiple floors, which burned, unfought, throughout the day.
made it abundantly clear that the ousting of their beloved leader would not go unfought.
Fires, unfought, burned in various sections from the phosphorus shells lobbed in by the 4.3[-inch] chemical mortars and naval guns.
It's what's latent in the soil, what's breeding; it's the days to come, the wars unfought, the injuries and deaths that, like seeds, the soil of England is keeping warm.
WE WON'T LEAVE ANY ELECTION 'UNFOUGHT', SAY LIVERPOOL LIB DEMS THE race is on within Liverpool's Liberal Democrats to find a candidate for the elected mayor battle, writes Marc Waddington.
Our knowledge of Latvian politics might be a little limited but it takes only a couple of minutes to become embroiled in an unfought civil war between "Russians" and the Nazi Latvians.
The squirming comes from knowing Marcus is both right and wrong to argue in such away; it's easy to recall being that adolescent trapped in a senseless bureaucracy, absolutely convinced of the rightness of the cause and unable to see that some battles are best left unfought. Marcus churns with all of Roth's trademark characteristics--sexual desire, alienation, atheism, fear of death --but with such a masterful mix of fragility and bravado that one cannot help but be taken by this original voice.
When he wasn't rooting on his Cubbies, Royko was taking sides in various fights that might otherwise have gone unfought. When disabled veterans got run around by the government, Royko was there for them and often his stories helped those veterans to get the services they deserved.
For example, an episode during his French period--an exchange of letters about an unfought duel--is illuminated by an excursus on the culture of the duel.
With the words "Feallan sculon / haeone aet hilde" (54b-55a, heathens shall fall in battle), he responds to the viking threat with a counter threat, and then provides this reason for his response: "Too shameful it seems to me that you should go to your ship with our tribute money unfought, now that you this far hither have come on to our land" (55b-58).
In contrast, the Bush administration has left the war of ideas unfought (19) and left al-Qaeda's propaganda largely unanswered.