

not yet killed by hanging
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
"You are the greatest hypocrite unhanged. You affect to hate your fellows and to love evil-doers.
"May I be hanged myself," exclaimed Dominicus Pike aloud, on reaching the top of a lonely hill, "if I'll believe old Higginbotham is unhanged till I see him with my own eyes, and hear it from his own mouth!
But--would your worship believe it?--my broomstick hath strangely disappeared, stolen, as I suspect, by that unhanged witch, Goody Cory, and that, too, when I was all anointed with the juice of smallage, and cinquefoil, and wolf's bane"
A literal reading of the tale renders Goody Cloyse a self-proclaimed witch: "my broomstick hath strangely disappeared, stolen, as I suspect, by that unhanged witch, Goody Cory, and that, too, when I was all anointed with the juice of smallage and cinque-foil and wolf's bane--" she declares (10:79).
Taylor, in fact, in a later pamphlet attacking one John Booker no less vituperatively than he had Fennor thirty years before, mentions "the Fish-wives scoulding colledge at Billingsgate" as a place to learn slurs (John Taylor, being yet unhanged, send greeting, to John Booker, That hanged him lately in a Picture (1644), Alv).
Author Phyllis Smallman, winner of the Unhanged Arthur Ellis Award, wrote two previous Sherri Travis novels, Margarita Nights and Sex in a Sidecar.
He once observed: "I consider myself the greatest cook in the world yet unhanged. I may have a certain amount of reticence as a theatrical producer, but as a cook I am brazen." (1b) He was at one time the food and wine editor for Country Life magazine, writing several books on the subject, including Crosby Gaige's Macaroni Manual and Crosby Gaige's Cocktail Guide and Ladies' Companion, and the results of his research into food dehydration later formed the foundation for the Dry Pack Corporation.
ENGLAND look set to announce another unhanged squad as they attempt to preserve a six-year unbeaten run in home Test series by beating India in the final npower Test.
Technical prudence comes more naturally now than systematic denunciation; vigor is applied to policy initiatives and convention drafting, rather than to prophecies of "approaching convulsion," jeremiads against villains and vagabonds, "the unhanged knaves of paper-money." The international monetary system is, to be sure, now more complicated than the question of the national debt for Cobbett, yet we get less agitated about phenomena such as money laundering.
But--would your worship believe it?--my broomstick hath strangely disappeared, stolen, as I suspect, by that unhanged witch, Goody Cory, and that, too, when I was all anointed with the juice of smallage and cinque-foil and wolf's-bane-" (153)
His improbable "crime novel," just as improbably titled "The Herb Garden of the Unhanged Wretches," takes Detective Jalmari Jyllanketo undercover as an organic inspector to an herb-and-mushroom farm in the hinterlands of Finnish Lapland.