

(Pathology) (of a dose, quantity, substance, etc) not lethal or deadly
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References in periodicals archive ?
In those days, student politics was fairly civil, gentle, unlethal and by any account, peaceful, in stark contrast to today's politics.
I do admire his zeal, but I can't imagine our TK making an unlethal guide dog for anyone, and I say so to the volunteers when we return him.
Still, the secretary of state remains attached to the concept of "evenhandedness," so much so that the Wall Street Journal labeled Colin Powell's position on Israel as "reeking with moral equivalency." A constant flow of sharp criticism emanates from the State Department spokesmen for virtually any Israeli retaliation, no matter how limited or unlethal. For example, when in response to the pizzeria attack Israel seized the Orient House (PLO headquarters) and blew up police and PLO buildings in Jenin, the State Department issued a strong rebuke, saying, "Israeli incursions into Palestinian-controlled areas are provocative, they do not stop the violence and they undermine efforts to defuse the situation."