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not smart
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I remember being a fat, podgy, no make-up, unsmart lady but I made a lot of noise and he liked that and he came up to me after dinner and we had a big dance...
Children who are home-schooled are thought to have poor social skills and are assumed to be unsmart. This is not true.
(24) Then smart people come along and see what these "unsmart" people do.
Looking back on her youth, Munro once said, "I was brought up to believe that the worst thing you could do was 'call attention to yourself' or 'think you were smart.'" In the chronically unsmart, a hint of smartness brings out the nastiness.
The innovative aspect of Gardner's ideas lies in the refusal to accept the dichotomous classification according to which people would be "smart" or "unsmart" and in the introduction of the concept of multiple intelligences, which demolishes the notion of the immutability of the intelligence quotient and opens to the existence of different types of intelligence (formae mentis) more or less developed in all human beings.
In Bruce Weber's unsmart documentary on Chet Baker, made in '87, Weber moralizes on Chet Baker's drug use.
Interesting people, too: Charles Moore, her biographer and former Daily Telegraph editor-turned-columnist was there to tell Newsnight that Thatcher turned off the posh and the intellectuals, but appealed to the (in his words) "unsmart and visibly aspiring".
"A lot of Sale's points came from unsmart play from ourselves.
Mr Andrews has set the most unSMART target ever seen in Welsh education.
Meanwhile, all credit to unsmart Alec for knocking up mediocre meat and spuds (very haute cuisine) ...and mysteriously bursting into tears.
It is a musical version of the Clumsy Hans tale about two smug brothers who fail to win the hand of a rapping princess, whereas the unsmart Clumsy Hans succeeds.