

vb (tr)
to remove from a stack
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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she watched mark unstack plant pots, lining them up in that careful way of his.
'This complete robotic solution is capable of a wide variety of tasks, including pick-and-place to stack and unstack, similar to a palletising or de-palletising application, as well as random placement and picking from a conveyor and placing into structured bins according to the height of parts,' Benderoth explained.
If you have a Langstroth or Warre hive, you will need to unstack the boxes first, making sure you remember what order they were in and start your inspection with the bottom box.
They could easily have seriously hurt or killed a child trying to unstack one to play their silly games.
[partial derivative] (p, a, R) = {(q, [lambda])} in state p, on input symbol a and R the top of the stack : pop (unstack the symbol R).
Twenty minutes before serving, unstack the ribs if necessary, then brush with barbecue sauce.
Choreographer Alito Alessi of DanceAbility and Frances Bronet, UO dean of Architecture and Allied Arts, design a set that consists of dozens of 2-foot open cubes, which the performers stack, unstack and move around and through as they dance.
They have safety glass panels on the sides so curious minds can begin to associate sounds with size and quantity, as they shake, stack, and unstack the blocks.
Thanks to kids all over the world, Sport Stacking, an individual and team sport in which participants race the clock to stack and unstack twelve specially-designed cups is taking off in a big way.
Competitors, who were mainly elementary students but now include those in middle school and high school, stack and unstack 12 specially designed plastic cups in predetermined sequences.