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References in periodicals archive ?
Brabants, "Failure of the titanium trochanteric gamma nail in ununited metastatic fractures," Acta Orthopaedica Belgica, vol.
Shindell, "Percutaneous marrow injection for an ununited tibia," The Nebraska medical journal, vol.
Gaston, "Treatment of ununited tibial diaphyseal fractures with pulsing electromagnetic fields.," The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery, vol.
Caption: Figure 2: The lateral view of the tibial tuberosity reveals an ununited free ossicle (red arrow).
Pulsing electromagnetic field treatment in ununited fractures and failed arthrodeses.
Autologous bone graft versus demineralized bone matrix in internal fixation of ununited long bones.
Potential complications considered minor include enlargement of the tibial tubercle, ununited ossicles in the patellar tendon, and avulsion of the tibial tubercle (rare).
"The development and application of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) for ununited fractures and arthrodeses", Clin Plast Surg, 12:159-277.
(3.) Basset CAL, Mitchell SA, Gaston SA Treatment of ununited tibial diaphyseal fractures with pulsing electromagnetic fields.
Sift Media is three dynamic brands with three distinct audiences, all with a direct connection to accounting and financial professionals in Ununited Stales and beyond.
For more than two decades, the Charnley Low Friction Arthroplasty design was the world's most-used hip replacement system, surpassing other available options like the ivory hip prosthesis developed by Burmese orthopedic surgeon San Baw, M.D., to replace ununited fractures of the femoral neck.