

not annoyed or vexed
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I have given no small attention to that not unvexed subject, the skin of the whale.
Thenceforth sweet Cecily kept the noiseless tenor of her way unvexed by the attentions of enamoured swains.
He seemed to stand in an unvexed space of air, on a little island by himself; he was free and immune from pain.
Yet of it we can make, if we choose, a nation unvexed by violence and criminality, untroubled by hunger or fear, undivided by senseless distinctions of socio-economic class and regionalism-a nation that once gave the world the gift of a peaceful revolution that can depose an oppressive and corrupt dictatorship.
She is of course right about the relative hardships endured, but if she had been a holidaymaker stuck in her vehicle for 24 hours while trying to embark on a long-awaited annual holiday, would she have been entirely unvexed? Notwithstanding her recognition that, in the wider scheme of things, her suffering was trivial, might she have become at least a little bit antsy?
Santideva turns to the tranquility and calmness of the forest, where the trainee bodhisattva, alone and unvexed by internal or external considerations, can begin the meditation "proper" on equality of self and others (BCA 8:89-119).
In fact, it was never unvexed, even though it served as Wolfe's undisputed home in Asheville for many years.
As President Lincoln put it, in one of his many great poetic utterances, "The father of waters again goes unvexed to the sea." That fall he delivered his great speech at the battlefield in Gettysburg, where 170,000 soldiers had clashed and 7,500 had been killed, saying "that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain-that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom--and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth."
Even Zeus does not have golden-throned Hera unvexed: often, in fact, he's thrown her out from the gods, suspended in the air and clouds.
The two-dimensional clay prints convey an unexpected, visual quality: the air of unearthliness and unvexed balance.
Dearly mourned, you die and sleep Among them, unvexed. To your guiltless ashes no one Will ever cause offense.