

not divided into zones
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Canutra owns and operates 76 acres of unzoned, arid agricultural land, including 1,000 feet of river frontage.
Much attention has focused on passive inclusions in porphyroblasts that are texturally unzoned; these porphyroblasts contain a relatively continuous distribution of passive inclusion trails (see diagram in Fig.
In February, 1953, the Santa Clara County Farm Bureau challenged the County Planning Commission when the latter proposed an interim zoning plan for the unzoned eastern side of the county.
This type of pyrite is disseminated, individual grains are unzoned, and the textures are homogeneous.
(85) After 1945, a similar opportunity was afforded by the democratization of the automobile, which created huge differences in the value of zoned and unzoned land on the urban periphery.
Since the early 1990s the power of councillors to direct that planning permission be given via Section 4 or that material contravention of the development plan be made to award permission for a development in an unzoned area was severely curtailed by making it subject to a supermajority.
The first appears in the chapters on Tampa, where unzoned, careless development made it a hot spot for overblown and fraudulent real-estate transactions, followed by epidemic foreclosure.
Like many Wisconsin towns where a culture of diehard individualism sees zoning as an assault on personal freedom, Greenfield and all its municipalities, including Tunnel City, are unzoned. This allowed the corporation to make deals with individual landowners.