

(tr) to tilt up
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



to tilt up.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: uptilted
Gerund: uptilting

I uptilt
you uptilt
he/she/it uptilts
we uptilt
you uptilt
they uptilt
I uptilted
you uptilted
he/she/it uptilted
we uptilted
you uptilted
they uptilted
Present Continuous
I am uptilting
you are uptilting
he/she/it is uptilting
we are uptilting
you are uptilting
they are uptilting
Present Perfect
I have uptilted
you have uptilted
he/she/it has uptilted
we have uptilted
you have uptilted
they have uptilted
Past Continuous
I was uptilting
you were uptilting
he/she/it was uptilting
we were uptilting
you were uptilting
they were uptilting
Past Perfect
I had uptilted
you had uptilted
he/she/it had uptilted
we had uptilted
you had uptilted
they had uptilted
I will uptilt
you will uptilt
he/she/it will uptilt
we will uptilt
you will uptilt
they will uptilt
Future Perfect
I will have uptilted
you will have uptilted
he/she/it will have uptilted
we will have uptilted
you will have uptilted
they will have uptilted
Future Continuous
I will be uptilting
you will be uptilting
he/she/it will be uptilting
we will be uptilting
you will be uptilting
they will be uptilting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been uptilting
you have been uptilting
he/she/it has been uptilting
we have been uptilting
you have been uptilting
they have been uptilting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been uptilting
you will have been uptilting
he/she/it will have been uptilting
we will have been uptilting
you will have been uptilting
they will have been uptilting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been uptilting
you had been uptilting
he/she/it had been uptilting
we had been uptilting
you had been uptilting
they had been uptilting
I would uptilt
you would uptilt
he/she/it would uptilt
we would uptilt
you would uptilt
they would uptilt
Past Conditional
I would have uptilted
you would have uptilted
he/she/it would have uptilted
we would have uptilted
you would have uptilted
they would have uptilted
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
References in periodicals archive ?
Today's first April producer sentiment report suggests a continued uptilt for these measures following the winter setback, leaving solid growth prospects for the Q2 factory sector that bucks the market's fears earlier in the year.
(3) Intensive field checking for individual tree simulation: branch base, branch increment angle, uptilt of branches at the top & base of the crown, number of whorls / branches, the high & low point of the crown, stem & branch & foliage color and overall plant form.
With anyone else, this sort of statement would sound preachily romantic, but there has always been an infectious inspiration about the way McCarron talks, the uptilt of that small chipmunk face, the direct look of those wide, very pale blue eyes, and the lightning intelligence playing behind them.
A young man draped in the colors of the Brazilian flag, an earnest uptilt to his head, strode across the floor waving a star-shaped sign proclaiming Luta (Struggle).
Although I was unable to obtain a tube amp to pair with the speakers, I'm certain that tubes' characteristic softening of the top octave would match perfectly with the corresponding uptilt that the Super Eclipses have in the same region, yielding a neutral overall balance.
The further tightening of labor markets in recent quarters has been reflected in a more discernible uptilt to the trend in hourly compensation.
This development may be imparting a decided uptilt to the growth of labor productivity, obscuring, at least for a while, the effect of the shortfall in capital investment on the growth of our standard of living.
There were the people - vast, uptilted slabs of them, towering over the empty arena.
Her head is uptilted, her throat wide open; she is all alert and tingling with the shower of sparks that burst from the radium symphony.
Investigating a hill near the Cottonwood Creek Dinosaur Trail, they attempt to decode the uptilted layers that poke their edges out of the incline.