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(Astronomy) another name for Ursa Major
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References in classic literature ?
I imagine to myself the scowl of your spiritual eye upon the profanity of that scurrilous Ursa Major.
The younger men quiz him, it seems, call him Old Fritz, Lager Beer, Ursa Major, and make all manner of jokes on his name.
As the summer nears an end and Ursa gets closer to her fifth miracle, her dangerous past closes in.
The Fujinon LA16 lens, which weighs approximately 1.6kg, has been designed specifically for the Blackmagic URSA Ultra HD broadcast camera to provide optimum 4K performance.
It is also implicated in what Lee Edelman has called "reproductive futurism" (2004, 3) not only in its insistence on biological continuity but also in its ethical-cum-political hope that such continuity betokens future redemption--as Ursa's mother puts it, one day Corregidora and his fellow slaveholders will face God's judgment.
Headquartered in Madrid and with turnover of around EUR 450m, URSA is one of the major insulation providers in Europe, focused on mineral wool and extruded polystyrene as solutions for insulating residential and non-residential buildings, both new and those being renovated.
M2 EQUITYBITES-August 8, 2017-Xella International Buys Spanish Insulation Provider URSA
Around 50% of the RSA cases have no known etiology and are considered as Unexplained RSA (URSA).
OGSystems (OGS), a leader in technology innovation for the Department of Defense (DoD) and Intelligence Community (IC), has partnered with Ursa Space Systems Inc.
He explained: "The Blackmagic URSA Mini 4K was the perfect choice, because of quality and price point.
The most prominent tail on the May meridian is the long one of Ursa Major, the Great Bear.