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pl n
(Astronomy) a shower of meteors apparently originating from near the constellation Ursa Minor and lasting for about a week from December 17th to the 25th
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The Ursids are associated with Comet 8P/Tuttle, which was discovered in 1790 and then re-discovered by Horace Tuttle in 1858.
December 21-22 - Ursids meteor shower A bit of an anti-climax after the Geminids as this meteor shower only shows about five to 10 meteors per hour.
An evaluation of long-term capture effects in ursids: implications for wildlife welfare and research.--J.
A body-condition index for ursids. Canadian Journal of Zoology 80(7):1156-1161.
The Ursids are predicted to peak at 15:00 UT on December 22nd (10:00 a.m.
Ursids - Among them six cases had involvement of heart and lung lesions and only one showed kidney lesions.
In terrestrial mammals leucism has been reported in canids (Lopez-Gonzalez, 2011), ursids (Ritland et al., 2001), erinaceids (Morris and Tutt, 1996), mustelids (Tortato and Althoff, 2007), cervids (de Oliveira, 2009), soricids (Guevara et al., 2011), rodents (Nedyalkov et al., 2014), and procyonids (Silva-Caballero et al., 2014), and it is relatively common in bats (Boada and Tirira, 2010; Marin-Vazquez et al., 2010; Garcia-Morales et al., 2012; Velandia-Perilla et al., 2013; Tello et al., 2014).
Stewart's character, however, my only neighbors are cervids, canids, felids, and ursids. I also have for years had a keen desire to photo wild life, undisturbed in their natural habitat.
This fact would be the main cause of the local extinction of the Hemicyonidae and the presence of various herbivorous ursids of different sizes such as Ursavus and Indarctos.
The Ursids are a much under-observed shower and would benefit from increased watches despite the proximity of the festive season.