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surrounded with a wall or rim
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Due to nutritional deficiency in these patients, the filiform papillae disappear first followed by fungiform papillae; regeneration of papillae occurs in reverse order but vallate and foliate papillae on the posterior third are spared.
The lingual epithelium is made up of four types of tongue papillae, namely, filiform, fungiform, foliate, and vallate papillae, featuring mechanical and taste functions [5].
One vallate papillae with concave shape and numerous taste bud that surrounded by cleft were between posterior of lingual body and root.
Cyst stage: Spiniferites mirabilis is a chorate cyst with an ovoid to spherical central body (35 [micro]m in diameter, n = 1) and a number of vallate, hystricate, and antheriform processes (Figs.
The Guelf and Ghibelline parties were ordered to kiss on the mouth and the peace was formalized by notarial acts ("fermando la detta pace con solennie vallate carte"); Giovanni Villani, Nuova Cronica, ed.
(26) Alla regione intesa in senso storico-culturale se ne sovrappone spesso un'altra di carattere piu amministrativo-statale che non coincide necessariamente con la prima, in particolare nel caso della Liguria, dove ha maggior senso parlare, come abbiamo gia visto, di "spicchi territoriali" che partendo dalla costa seguono le vallate fino ai valichi appenninici, all'interno dei quali esiste un rapporto conflittuale e tuttavia capace di generare processi identitari.
Vallate, like other HBA managers, trains an assistant as a backup, particularly in ordering and scanning-transmission procedures.
In previous studies, lingual grooves were detected around the fungiform, vallate, conical, and lenticular papillae in cows (Chamorro etal.; de Paz Cabello et al.), Zavot cattle (Sari et al.), and domestic cattle (Scala et al., 1995; Shao et al.); fungiform and vallate papillae were also observed in buffaloes (Scala et al., 1993) and yaks (Shao et al.; Wang et al.).