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Related to Vandals: Ostrogoths


A Germanic people invading Gaul and Spain c. AD 400. They sacked Rome AD 455, and ruled a North African kingdom AD 429–534.
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References in classic literature ?
Go when you will, you find a gravel-train from Marseilles arriving to supply the deficiencies caused by memento-cabbaging vandals whose affections have miscarried.
And what would a sub-chanter of the sixteenth century say, on beholding the beautiful yellow wash, with which our archiepiscopal vandals have desmeared their cathedral?
This magnificent art produced by the Vandals has been slain by the academies.
Then fearing that it might be stolen from him by some vandals of the road he had One Eye Kanty rivet it at each side of the gorget so that it could not be removed by other than a smithy, and thus, strapped face to tail upon a donkey, he sent the great Bishop of Norwich rattling down the dusty road with his head, at least, protected from the idle gaze of whomsoever he might chance to meet.
That is to say, I had the photographs of my pictures, and prints, and coins, and so forth, all about me, which I intend, one of these days, to present (the photographs, I mean, if the clumsy English language will let me mean anything) to present to the institution at Carlisle (horrid place!), with a view to improving the tastes of the members (Goths and Vandals to a man).
He went down there like a vandal to sell the heirlooms and pictures which had belonged to his family for generations.
The man was a hunting maniac, and where my dear father used to grow prize peaches under glass, this vandal was soon stabling his hothouse thoroughbreds, which took prizes in their turn at all.
She knows that you are coming, and ere ever a vandal foot is set within the precincts of the Temple of Issus, if such a calamity should befall, Dejah Thoris will be put away for ever from the last faint hope of rescue."
I sha'n't feel half so badly now that I know this dear spot will never be desecrated by a vandal tribe, or left to tumble down in decay.
Take a Goth, a Hun, and a Vandal, mix them together and add a Barbary rover; then take this creature and make him drunk--and you have an Englishman.
VANDALS destroyed dugouts at a community football stadium in Gateshead - just one day after they had been rebuilt from previous damage.