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Related to vanda: tasimelteon, Hetlioz


(Plants) any epiphytic orchid of the E hemisphere genus Vanda, having white, mauve, blue, or greenish fragrant flowers
[C19: New Latin, from Hindi vandā mistletoe, from Sanskrit]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.vanda - any of numerous showy orchids of the genus Vanda having many large flowers in loose racemesvanda - any of numerous showy orchids of the genus Vanda having many large flowers in loose racemes
orchid, orchidaceous plant - any of numerous plants of the orchid family usually having flowers of unusual shapes and beautiful colors
genus Vanda - genus of showy epiphytic orchids of Himalayas to Malaysia
blue orchid, Vanda caerulea - famous orchid of northern India having large pale to deep lilac-blue flowers
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
'I am very pleased to welcome both AJ and Kim to Vanda's executive leadership team,' said Dr.
This was consistent with Vanda's jet lag simulation studies, according to the company.
'I would like to confirm that today I decided to remove Nhim Vanda as senior minister and first vice-president of the National Committee for Disaster Management for lacking responsibility and telling a lie,' Hun Sen said.
Mihael H Polymeropoulos, MD, Vanda's president and CEO, said, 'During the first quarter, Vanda made significant advances towards its commercial and research goals.
* Vicky, Vanda's mom, is a Treeing Walker Coonhound that would be good with kids and dogs.
The study was terminated before reaching its enrollment goal of 90 patients because of its complexity, Vanda said in a separate press release.
"The Easybeats" was formed in 1964 after Young met Dutch-born Vanda at the Villawood Migrant Hostel in Sydney, where both his and Vanda's families stayed following the arrival in the country. 
Vanda said: "He did not share an awful lot with his family - he kept his family life very separate from his history.
It was decades later, at mother Evie's funeral, that the family secret came out - the baby was Vanda's brother, the result of a relationship Evie had with a married man.
Although all of the Hetlioz commercials are about blind people, Vanda knows that there aren't enough poorly sleeping blind folks in the US, even at $281 per tablet, to justify the cost of its massive ad blitz.
Reichenbach (1823-1889) described this species in 1882, in the Gardeners' Chronicle, and he gave it the name of Vanda sanderiana.