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1. a person who varies
2. a wanderer who seeks variety
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References in periodicals archive ?
Batting first, they made 117-5 thanks to 50 not out from Ross Whitfield Jnr as Dhruv Varier claimed 3-11.
Mais l'amplitude possible de la montee des oceans, selon les experts ayant participe a l'etude, est tres grande: meme si l'humanite parvenait a limiter la hausse de la temperature du globe a 2 C, la montee pourrait varier entre 36 et 126 cm (intervalle de probabilite de 5 a 95%).
A community event at Indian Social Centre with youth sensation Priya Varier of Oru Adar Love at the ISC yesterday- Photo Ahmed Kutty/Gulf News Image Credit: Also in this package
Pour cela, la technologie BMW ShiftCam est, pour la premiere fois sur les moteurs de serie BMW Motorrad, accompagnee d'un systeme permettant de varier au niveau de l'admission les temps de commande des soupapes et la levee des soupapes.
We focus on a varier of dance styles (all levels), classes for children and adults, and International Summer Course:
sativum has been used traditionally as anti-inflammatory (Varier, 1994), antispasmodic (Bruneton, 1995), analgesic (Chaudry and Tariq, 2006), antiseptic (Duke et al., 2002), carminative (Wichtl and Bisset, 1994), and anti-diabetic (Al-Rowais, 2002).
Priming affected the seed germination by early DNA replication and repair, increased RNA and protein synthesis and greater ATP availability (Varier et al., 2010).
Studies have shown that priming is a useful technique, especially for lots of seeds with low vigor, from economically important species (Soeda et al., 2005; Flors et al., 2007; Varier et al., 2010).