

like or resembling a vase
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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(20) Occasionally, LCMs can take on a vaselike shape that is oriented so they appear to empty out onto the epidermal surface.
A 1-0 win over Yamaha then a draw with Brazilians Botafogo Rio de Janeiro secured the huge vaselike trophy in the Far East.
Cover the ground with Stipa tenuissima, also known as Mexican feather grass, planting in bold drifts of three or more plants so the vaselike clumps of leaves look like a foamy sea.
The book charts his career from his early days in the packaging design department at Revlon in 1972 and his first bottle, a vaselike creation decorated with swirling lines for a perfume called Moon Drops.
McElheny also produced Two grey disks after a prototype by Blinky Palermo, vaselike objects whose plans are based on a shape in Palermo's 1970 Prototypes, silk screens of found geometric shapes that the older artist had used as a basis for some of his objects.
For cuttings, we especially like Juniperus chinensis 'Mint Julep', a vaselike shrub with arching branches.
Shorter, rounder or vaselike containers work better with a plant that has height, such as a Myers asparagus fern.
Shaker Unit, 2005, a large black flight of shelves holding two compact readymades, a small red dish and a wooden vaselike container, dominated the installation.
(1) Thin the bush about a month before the last predicted frost to remove dead, old, or weak canes or canes that cross through the center (shown in red) to give the plant an open, vaselike shape.