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It also pushed that economic abuse against women to be included in the VAW.
From 3,299 cases in 2017, there were 1,522 VAW cases last year.
In order to prevent the 'sabotage of the social system', VAW must be eliminated.
Violence against women (VaW) is a serious social problem that is omnipresent worldwide and increasingly recognized in social networks and scholarly literature.
According to the PSA's Women and Men Fact Sheet for 2018, VAW reported to the police dropped 16.1 in 2017 from 2016.
Babker maintained that the bazar is a great chance for marketing women's products, explaining that the UNFPA is implementing VAW programs with a number of local foundations because responsibilities towards women have increased during the crisis and require more support.
UN women studied five districts with high rates of VAW in Balochistan (Quetta), Punjab (Rawalpindi), and Sindh (Karachi, Dadu, and Khairpur).
Caption: Two E-2C Hawkeyes, assigned to the "Liberty Bells" of Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron (VAW) 115, conduct a flyby of Mount Fuji in Japan.
About 10 years ago, I wrote an opinion piece for this magazine on why we are not succeeding in our efforts to eradicate VAC and VAW. I have to repeat the same key-points, as we have not made any progress on these.
"Online VAW: From Impunity to Justice.", n.d.