
Also found in: Financial.


(Tools) a wood-carving tool
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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One more tool I recommend is a small vee-cutter or veiner chisel to get tiny and precise cuts on the border and for very short cuts in the tight ends of checkering patterns.
Looking at the relationship in the other direction, that is, from employment to wages, Van Poeck and Veiner (2007) survey a number of studies of wage responsiveness to unemployment, and they find quite small responses of wages to movements in employment or unemployment, but this exercise misses the rather sharp decline in wages in response to the global crisis as that is shown in Figure 5.
We then fashioned a narrow U-shaped channel (4-5 mm deep x 5-7 mm wide) in the exposed wood using a #11 palm-handled wood veiner (Woodcraft Supply LLC, Parkersburg, West Virginia).
The first tool to be used is the small veiner, which we use to outline all the areas to be cut out and to remove the smallest areas.
Veiner hopes to eventually manipulate the organism to create biofuels or absorb carbon dioxide." These are exciting prospects in a time when fuels and the rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide are topics of newscasts.
The champion jockey was taken to East Surrey Hospital in Redhill on Friday after being catapulted from his mount Vlasta Veiner after some early scrimmaging in the 6f handicap at Lingfield, and his bid to retain his title will have to be put on hold.
Moore was torpedoed into the Polytrack after his mount Vlasta Veiner came off worse in some early scrimmaging in the 1.20.
Barbara Veiner, The Problematization of Illicit Drug Use and Its Regulation into the 21st Century, Carleton University.
(1) The original formulation of the law, as posited by its author, is as follows: "Indogermanische k, t, p gingen erst uberal in h, [thorn], fuber; die so entstanden tonlosen fricativa nebst der vom indogermanischen ererbten tonlosen fricativa s wurden weiter inlautend bei tonender nachbarschaft selbst tonend, erhielten sich aber als tonlose im nachlaute betonter silben" (Veiner 1876: 114).
Attribuer des droits egaux aux femmes et veiner a ce qu'il n'y ait aucune loi ou pratique discriminatoire contre elles
It's either luxury or sporting pedigree they're after, but nothing the Nipponese produce can bring on a blue veiner.