

 (vĕs′pər-əl) Ecclesiastical
A book containing the words and hymns to be used at vespers.
Of or relating to vesper or vespers.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Ecclesiastical Terms) a liturgical book containing the prayers, psalms, and hymns used at vespers
2. (Ecclesiastical Terms) the part of the antiphonary containing these
3. (Ecclesiastical Terms) a cloth laid over the altar cloth between offices or services
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈvɛs pər əl)

1. the part of an antiphonary containing the chants for vespers.
2. a cloth used between offices to cover the altar cloth.
[1615–25; < Late Latin]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Assessing hymn cycles in vesperal manuscripts, Dean speculates that Dufay composed his own cycle in response to the one used by the papal chapel, beginning with new settings for existing hymn texts; then, "at some point along this path, it will have occurred to him that he was on the way to composing a coherent cycle, and he will have settled down to do this on purpose" (p.
VESPERAL DREAM (2.40) rates the pick of a powerful squad sent north by Paul Nicholls.
TAUNTON 1.40 Regal Flow 2.10 Vesperal Dream 2.40 Honey Pound 3.10 Tinker Time 3.40 Kalimantan 4.10 Pod 4.40 A Hairy Koala THE MAIL'S TOP TIPS KEMPTON 4.55 Always Resolute 5.25 Panettone 5.55 Scarlet Sash 6.25 Lady Atlas 6.55 Doctor Sardonicus 7.25 Devon Drum 7.55 Hallouella 8.25 Foxford NOTTINGHAM 1.30 Hazelrigg 2.00 It Must Be Faith 2.30 Speedfit Rules 3.00 Storm The Stars 3.30 Dubai Star 4.00 Nabatean 4.30 Monopoli WORCESTER 1.20 Dunlough Bay 1.50 Lysino 2.20 Dancing Solo 2.50 River Deep 3.20 Supapowers 3.50 El Macca 4.20 Skykes.
Tote Trifecta: PS2.40 2.20: VESPERAL DREAM (S Bowen 2-1) 1; Byron Blue (4-1) 2; Neville (Evensf) 3 5 ran.
Melatonina, secretata de glanda pineala, isi creste concentratia serica vesperal, pregatind organismul pentru somn.
NEWTON ABBOT: 2.15 Maxi Chop, 2.45 Vesperal Dream, 3.15 Garnock, 3.45 Well Mett, 4.15 Grey Blue, 4.45 Health Is Wealth, 5.15 Lord Fox.
La voz sarcastica del poeta aparece en ese exabrupto de la risa del "guacamayo/bisojo y medio cinico", un recurso estilistico bastante comun en sus poesias, especialmente al final del poema, como vemos en Emocion vesperal: "Pero bajo la ampolla/ del mismo sol,/ tambien hiede a fritanga de cebolla/y col" (Lopez, 1994, p.
Christmas Eve Services Vesperal Liturgy of the Prefeast, 9 a.m.; Orthros, 6 p.m.; Heirarchical Divine Liturgy, 7 p.m.
Protesting obscurity, the poet demands "what right does / the atmosphere have / to disperse this vesperal dust, this victim dust, / this virgin dust of two poor believers." Searching for "divine narration," this poet drums on the heart of oblivion.