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Noun1.vibrion - curved rodlike motile bacteriumvibrion - curved rodlike motile bacterium  
eubacteria, eubacterium, true bacteria - a large group of bacteria having rigid cell walls; motile types have flagella
genus Vibrio - a genus of bacteria
comma bacillus, Vibrio comma - comma-shaped bacteria that cause Asiatic cholera
Vibrio fetus - bacteria that cause abortion in sheep
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Il a ajoute que le dispositif mis en place pour eradiquer le vibrion cholerique reste toutefois maintenu.
Le cholera est une maladie diarrheique tres contagieuse, due a un bacille a Gram negatif, Vibrion cholerique Cette bacterie pathogene a un tropisme exclusivement digestif, elle vit a l'etat saprophyte dans l'eau des estuaires et est un parasite du zooplancton.
L'action bactericide des eaux de la Jumna et du Gange sur le vibrion du cholera.
The artist has specifically designed artwork for such albums as Celtic Frost's To Mega Therion (1985), Atrocity's Hallucinations (1990), Sacrosanct's Recesses for the Depraved (1991), Carcass's Heartwork (1993), and Triptykon's Eparistera Daimones (2010), and a number of unlicensed covers also exist, often on underground demo tapes such as Absorbed's Unreal Overflows (1992), Order From Chaos's Stillbirth Machine (1993), Vibrion's Eradicated Life (1994), and Azure's Dark and Mysterious (1996).
Realizo varios analisis de aguas y son sus trabajos mas importantes las investigaciones sobre el vibrion colerico en la epidemia que afecto a Europa entre 1854 y 1856.(151)
Debe recordarse que el vibrion colerico no fue descubierto por Roberto Koch hasta 1874.