

(Aeronautics) a signal or instruction to an aircraft not to land
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He secured the engine and at the memory procedure "landing gear as required," opted to raise the gear and initiate a waveoff. Both the crew and the LSO began coordinating with the tower for the aircraft to return to the nearby naval air station (NAS).
Even before the waveoff to California, controllers cleared the box itself.
proper single engine waveoff procedures;" (3) "MP failed to
I executed my waveoff procedures, bottoming out at 200 feet, and was told to take 1,200 feet and turn downwind.
The pilot executed his NATOPS immediate action items and initiated a waveoff. After climbing to 1,500 feet, the pilot reported his RPM was fluctuating between 75 and 95 percent and began a turn downwind to enter the Case I pattern.
While looking up at the flight deck of the cruiser just inside .25 miles, I called for power, got no response, took the controls, and executed a waveoff over the missile deck of the cruiser that got everyone's attention.
We think a waveoff is a sign of weakness, a minor failure in a profession that doesn't suffer any amount of failure well.
Without waiting for action from the runway duty officer or air traffic controller, LT Scameheorn keyed his radio and directed the solo to execute an immediate waveoff. The solo complied and the aircraft on the runway subsequently made an uneventful takeoff.
This gross and inappropriate correction inside of the waveoff window caused the Hornet to strike the flight deck rounddown at the point where the tailhook is attached to the aircraft.
The maneuver, waveoff, and engine response were all on the numbers and per the book.
The pilot visually confirmed the remaining engine was functioning normally and then initiated his own waveoff from approximately 125 feet AGL.
With the operations officer still on the radio, we discussed waveoff characteristics and how usable the right engine would be on a bolter or waveoff.