

able to be waxed
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Bring your own set of waxless or waxable cross-country skis and leave with a freshly waxed base.
Cost is also behind other changes in the coating choices, such as the use of panel white ink or traditional brown boxes to replace waxable white coatings for classic white coated boxes, according to Haskins.
In very cold weather, waxable skis need hard glide wax to reduce friction by lubricating the gliding motion of the ski.
Many Nordic ski racers use waxable skies so that they can choose exactly the waxes they need for the temperature and snow conditions of the race.
As you're gliding along, you notice that your friend on her waxable skis seems to be gliding along more effortlessly than you on the shadier side of the hill.
Williams noted that the Swifter Sweeper picks up what a mop and broom leave behind and it can be used on dry, hard surfaces, such as waxable and non-waxable linoleum, vinyl, ceramic and finished wood floors.
The non-abrasive, trilaminated cleansing cloths dry quickly without streaking or rinsing and can be used on a variety of floor types, including waxable and non-waxable linoleum, vinyl, ceramic and finished wood.
Once you've become proficient, you may want the better overall performance and speed afforded by waxable skis.
Skis: waxable or waxless, wide to float on soft snow, side cut for turning ease.
Skis: side cut, "soft' alpine camber, steel edges, waxable; go uphill with kick wax or climbing skins--or use a lift
The Swiffer Wet cleaning cloths dry quickly without streaking or the need to rinse, and can be used on a wide variety of floors, including waxable and non-waxable linoleum, vinyl, ceramic and finished wood.