

the site of a well
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"There has been a real shift in culture in the North Sea, with companies no longer relying on the traditional skip and ship method but instead recognising the value that wellsite processing can bring to a project in terms of safety, environment and cost savings.
Apergy's Production & Automation Technologies offerings consist of artificial lift equipment and solutions, including rod pumping systems, electric submersible pump systems, progressive cavity pumps and drive systems and plunger lifts, as well as a full automation and digital offering consisting of equipment and software for Industrial Internet of Things ('IIoT') solutions for downhole monitoring, wellsite productivity enhancement, and asset integrity management.
Eagle Automation is focussed on bringing industrial automation technologies and best-practices to the wellsite and production facilities.
Founded in 2016, Aria Rose offers a range of water treatment services including subsurface aeration and chemical injection systems as well as "on-the-fly" mobile water treatment at wellsite or at water storage sites.
"Activity was steady across the majority of our service lines, with our cementing division outperforming the market as we continue to gain market share through the combination of technical slurry development and execution at the wellsite. Pricing within the portfolio has stabilized with the recovery in oil prices and we believe the worst is behind us.
For example, what are the implications of different ways of sourcing and disposing of water at a wellsite? How can we balance what is right for the company and what is right for the community, and minimise any impact to the environment?
Waha Capital also acquired a stake in Petronash, a leading provider of modular wellsite packages, chemical injection systems and wellhead control systems to the oil and gas industry.
Waha Capital also acquired a stake in Petronash, a provider of modular wellsite packages, chemical injection systems and wellhead control systems to the oil and gas industry.
During the third quarter of 2018, revenue from wellsite solutions increased by $4.5 million, compared with the third quarter of 2017 primarily due to increased trucking activity associated with the increased sand sales volumes.
By strategically comparing sample test results from upstream and downstream near the site it is easy to demonstrate any changes that are attributable to contaminants arising from the wellsite activities.
Quail Run is a leading provider of wellsite wastewater treatment services through five disposal sites in the Eagle Ford and Permian Basins.