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(Animals) a stingray
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Description of the mechanoreceptive lateral line and electroreceptive ampullary systems in the freshwater whipray, Himantura dalyensis.
A locale that changes during this high-water season is east of Whipray Basin, Crocodile Dragover.
Apart from the manta rays, other species in the shipment identified were two species of stingray, the honeycomb stingray (Himantura wamak) and pink whipray (Himantura fai); a spinetail mobula (Mobula japonica); and two species of sharks, the silky shark (Cacharhinus falciformis) and pelagic thresher shark (Alopias pelagicus).
During a week's trip and fitting in around eight dives, EDA divers recorded seeing hawksbill turtles, Jenkins whipray, blue-spotted stingray and bamboo shark, besides blue-ringed angelfish, yellowtail barracuda, bumphead parrotfish, giant frogfish and crocodile fish.