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1. Made or consisting of wood.
2. Stiff and unnatural; without spirit: a wooden performance; a wooden smile.
3. Clumsy and awkward; ungainly.

wood′en·ly adv.
wood′en·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Forestry) made from or consisting of wood
2. awkward or clumsy
3. bereft of spirit or animation: a wooden expression.
4. obstinately unyielding: a wooden attitude.
5. mentally slow or dull
6. not highly resonant: a wooden thud.
(tr) slang Austral to fell or kill (a person or animal)
ˈwoodenly adv
ˈwoodenness n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈwʊd n)

1. consisting or made of wood; wood.
2. stiff, ungainly, or awkward: a wooden gait.
3. without spirit, animation, or awareness.
wood′en•ly, adv.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: woodened
Gerund: woodening

I wooden
you wooden
he/she/it woodens
we wooden
you wooden
they wooden
I woodened
you woodened
he/she/it woodened
we woodened
you woodened
they woodened
Present Continuous
I am woodening
you are woodening
he/she/it is woodening
we are woodening
you are woodening
they are woodening
Present Perfect
I have woodened
you have woodened
he/she/it has woodened
we have woodened
you have woodened
they have woodened
Past Continuous
I was woodening
you were woodening
he/she/it was woodening
we were woodening
you were woodening
they were woodening
Past Perfect
I had woodened
you had woodened
he/she/it had woodened
we had woodened
you had woodened
they had woodened
I will wooden
you will wooden
he/she/it will wooden
we will wooden
you will wooden
they will wooden
Future Perfect
I will have woodened
you will have woodened
he/she/it will have woodened
we will have woodened
you will have woodened
they will have woodened
Future Continuous
I will be woodening
you will be woodening
he/she/it will be woodening
we will be woodening
you will be woodening
they will be woodening
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been woodening
you have been woodening
he/she/it has been woodening
we have been woodening
you have been woodening
they have been woodening
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been woodening
you will have been woodening
he/she/it will have been woodening
we will have been woodening
you will have been woodening
they will have been woodening
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been woodening
you had been woodening
he/she/it had been woodening
we had been woodening
you had been woodening
they had been woodening
I would wooden
you would wooden
he/she/it would wooden
we would wooden
you would wooden
they would wooden
Past Conditional
I would have woodened
you would have woodened
he/she/it would have woodened
we would have woodened
you would have woodened
they would have woodened
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.wooden - made or consisting of (entirely or in part) or employing wood; "a wooden box"; "an ancient cart with wooden wheels"
woody - made of or containing or resembling wood; "woody plants"; "perennial herbs with woody stems"; "a woody taste"
2.wooden - lacking ease or grace; "the actor's performance was wooden"; "a wooden smile"
awkward - lacking grace or skill in manner or movement or performance; "an awkward dancer"; "an awkward gesture"; "too awkward with a needle to make her own clothes"; "his clumsy fingers produced an awkward knot"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. made of wood, timber, woody, of wood, ligneous the shop's bare brick walls and wooden floorboards
2. awkward, stiff, rigid, clumsy, lifeless, stilted, ungainly, gauche, gawky, inelegant, graceless, maladroit The film is marred by the wooden acting of the star.
awkward flowing, elegant, flexible, graceful, supple, nimble, agile, comely, lissom(e)
3. expressionless, empty, dull, blank, vacant, lifeless, deadpan, colourless, glassy, unresponsive, unemotional, emotionless, spiritless It's hard to tell from his wooden expression whether he's happy or sad.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. So rigidly constrained, formal, or awkward as to lack all grace and spontaneity:
2. Lacking responsiveness or alertness:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
خَشَبِيّمَصنوع من الخَشَب
fa-fából való
tré-, úr tré
나무로 된
av trä
làm bằng gỗ


1. (= made of wood) → de madera
2. (fig) (= lacking expression) [actor, performance] → acartonado, inexpresivo; [face, person] → rígido, inexpresivo; [style] → seco, poco expresivo
B. CPD wooden horse Ncaballo m de madera
wooden leg Npierna f de madera, pata f de palo
wooden spoon Ncuchara f de palo (fig) → premio m de consolación
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈwʊdən] adj
(= made of wood) [chair, table, floor, house, door] → en bois
(fig) [acting, actor] → raide; [expression] → de marbrewooden leg njambe f de boiswooden spoon n
(lit) (for cooking)cuiller f en bois
(British) (fig) (in race, competition)cuiller f en bois
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Holz-; wooden chairHolzstuhl m; the wooden horsedas hölzerne Pferd
(fig) expression, smile, manner, performance, actinghölzern; (pej: = dull) personalitysteif


wooden spoon
n (lit)Holzlöffel m, → hölzerner Löffel; (fig)Trostpreis m
nHolzwaren pl
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˈwʊdn] adj
a. (made of wood) → di legno
b. (fig) (movements, manner) → impacciato/a, rigido/a; (face, stare) → inespressivo/a; (personality) → goffo/a
to give a wooden performance (actor) → recitare in maniera impacciata
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(wud) noun
1. (also adjective) (of) the material of which the trunk and branches of trees are composed. My desk is (made of) wood; She gathered some wood for the fire; I like the smell of a wood fire.
2. (often in plural) a group of growing trees. They went for a walk in the woods.
3. a golf-club whose head is made of wood.
ˈwooded adjective
(of land) covered with trees. a wooded hillside.
ˈwooden adjective
made of wood. three wooden chairs.
ˈwoody adjective
1. covered with trees. woody countryside.
2. (of a smell etc) of or like wood.
ˈwood carving noun
the art of carving wood.
ˈwoodcut noun
a print made by pressing a block of wood with design cut on it onto paper.
ˈwoodcutter noun
a person whose job is felling trees.
ˈwoodland noun
land covered with woods. a stretch of woodland.
ˈwoodlouseplural ˈwoodlice noun
a tiny creature with a jointed shell, found under stones etc.
ˈwoodpecker noun
a type of bird which pecks holes in the bark of trees, searching for insects.
ˈwood pulp noun
pulp from wood that can be used for making paper.
ˈwoodwind (-wind) noun
(in an orchestra, the group of people who play) wind instruments made of wood.
ˈwoodwork noun
1. the art of making things from wood; carpentry. He did woodwork at school.
2. the wooden part of any structure. The woodwork in the house is rotting.
ˈwoodwormplurals ˈwoodworm, ~woodworms noun
the larva of a certain type of beetle, which bores into wood and destroys it.
out of the wood(s)
out of danger.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


خَشَبِيّ dřevěný træ- hölzern ξύλινος de madera puinen en bois drven di legno 木製の 나무로 된 houten tre- drewniany de madeira деревянный av trä ที่ทำจากไม้ ağaç/tahta làm bằng gỗ 木质的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
"The Country of the Gargoyles is all wooden!" exclaimed Zeb; and so it was.
Sixteen years previous to the epoch when this story takes place, one fine morning, on Quasimodo Sunday, a living creature had been deposited, after mass, in the church of Notre- Dame, on the wooden bed securely fixed in the vestibule on the left, opposite that great image of Saint Christopher, which the figure of Messire Antoine des Essarts, chevalier, carved in stone, had been gazing at on his knees since 1413, when they took it into their heads to overthrow the saint and the faithful follower.
He became noted for carving ornamental pump heads, and wooden urns for gate posts, and decorations, more grotesque than fanciful, for mantelpieces.
This night, a literary man--WITH a wooden leg--' he bestowed an admiring look upon that decoration, as if it greatly enhanced the relish of Mr Wegg's attainments--'will begin to lead me a new life!
I HAD led this life about a month, when the man with the wooden leg began to stump about with a mop and a bucket of water, from which I inferred that preparations were making to receive Mr.
Her husband grieved bitterly, and buried her in the house where she had passed her life; but as the time went on he felt so lonely without her that he made a wooden doll about her height and size for company, and dressed it in her clothes.
At the end of Broad Street it ran right down to the water's edge, where there was a small wooden wharf.
It happened that a Man had often prayed to a wooden idol he had received from his father, but his luck never seemed to change.
We went along merrily till we came to the toll-bar and the low wooden bridge.
Poor Geppetto ran after him but was unable to catch him, for Pinocchio ran in leaps and bounds, his two wooden feet, as they beat on the stones of the street, making as much noise as twenty peasants in wooden shoes.
There was an open wagon, with three seats for the passengers, and the wagon was drawn by the famous wooden Sawhorse which had once been brought to life by Ozma by means of a magic powder.
At the lower end of the great room was another table, at which sat the Ryls and Knooks who had come with Santa Claus, the wooden soldiers who had come with the Queen of Merryland, and the Hilanders and Lolanders who had come with John Dough.