
Also found in: Acronyms.
Related to wost: worst


a form of the second person singular of wit2
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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295-296 wost wel wille no[??]t schewe hit] wer siker [??]at he scholde nou[??]ht be schewid
There is some data on morphological processing in other languages such as German (Bybee 1991; Clahsen, Rothweiler, Wost, & Marcus, 1992; Clahsen, Sonnenstuhl, & Blevins 2003; Marcus 1995) and Italian (Albright 2002; Matcovitch 2000; Orsolini, Fanari, & Bowles, 1998), also providing some evidence for and against both models.
Geh wieder rein innen Fluss, wost hingehorst, und tu n alte Jim nix, was is immah dein Freund gewesn.: (Twain 2008: 122).
The knight could give the response that follows to anyone failing to sympathize with the seriousness of his loss: "Thou wost ful lytei what thou menest; / I have lost more than thou wenest" (743-4).
The club hopes that with stable ownership and an end to their off-field worries that attention can be paid to the on-field issues that have landed Liverpool FC in the relegation zone of league standings following its wost start since 1953.
Four efforts since had produced 113, 127, 100 and 140, one of the wost sequences in the county's history.
Christ interrupts this speech by engaging Satan himself, reiterating "thou" seven times in twelve lines of direct challenge: "pou miht wyten in py lay"; "wost pou neuer whet ycham?"; "ant pou shalt wyte wel to day / [p.sup.t] mine wolle y haue away" (You can be assured amidst your flames [...] Don't you know what I am?
Ehiogu was enduring a torried afternoon alongside Southgate, who had one of his wost performances in a Middlesbrough shirt.
Gyf pou brake euer any kyrk On day or on nyght yn myrk, pou art acursyd, pou wost weyl ...